Sometimes males have breast. Deal with it.
Sandra Ware
Here's another fun topic to wrap your head around: Gender Fluidity!
Reader: Can I have a definition please?
Me: You certainly may.
(Yes, it's a real thing!)
Is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities.
BASIC definition:
When you choose to be a girl sometimes, a boy the other, both or not at all.
To simple-minded people, this must be making your head explode. Well I will admit, this can get a little confusing at times- but it nevertheless is awesome as hell!
Reader: But what does a gender fluid person look like?
Me: They look like...people?
Reader: No, I mean, what does a gender fluid person typically look like?
Me: However they want.
Reader: *Bangs head against a wall*
OKAY, here's a great example of a gender fluid role model:

Ruby Freaking Rose
aka "RUBY ROSE" (I just added the freaking for emphasis)
The thing I love most about her, is that she can literally be everyone's crush! Men and women love her, she loves...mostly women but fits in fine with any guy crew. She recently, well the media recently asked her for a more clearer perspective on why she identifies as gender fluid and what the whole thing even is and she has a few really spot on responses that you can read below.
NOT TO MENTION (but okay, I'm definitely going to mention it) She made this brilliant and amazing short video of how she describes being gender fluid without using actual words. Seeing it happen before your very eyes is actually very incredible and it goes to show that labels do nothing but hold people back versus when you let people do what they want and their true individuality reaches the surface instead of drowning. Maybe that metaphor for a bit confusing for you, well, just watch the video and you'll see what I mean.
I know, that must of been life changing for you. You're welcome. :)
Just in case you still don't quite get it, I'm going to provide you the help of visual aids. The overall important thing I want you to conclude from this post is that your genitals do not define necessarily define your gender. So if you ever come across a person you know as a female who wants to be called by male pronouns such as he, him, his, do it out of respect and the same goes for a vice versa situation. Just respect who people are and if you really can't, don't interfere with them being who they are.