If you catcall, whistle or make ANY type of obscene gesture or comment at women, don't be offended when they ignore you. We are not some domesticated animals that will obey your commands.
Sandra W.
Welcome all to my solitude of feminine expression! Well, it's a bit of that and more. You see, I've just about had it with being the meat that the dogs get to chew up and rip apart and a know a majority of the population probably feels the same way. The most annoying thing that comes with being apart of the female sex is that you are constantly expected to "behave" to be "polite" to seem inviting when just anyone shows up at your sacred temple. HELL NO, get the f@$! out of my face with that.
One of my biggest pet-peeves of all times: (and this even beats people talking with their mouth open) is being CATCALLED. I can not remember the last time I walked out in public and did not have to throw a stank eye at some perv who had the nerve (rhyming on fleek) to either whistle at me, lick his lips, tell me "hey baby, can I get a little smile" or even go as far as follow me!!!
-And you know what really kills me...
People see it, clear as day and they just turn the other way, laugh or even give me a dirty look, like what did I do to deserve that? Oh right, I was born a girl.
SO what is one to do when the male sirens are screaming at you? I surfed the world wide web and flipped through its pages as if it were the bible, the holy grail and all mighty thing that would give me some good ways of dealing with sexual harassment that I could share to some other ladies who have to endure this dumb habit of our male ecosystem and here are some of my ultimate discoveries:

And here's one of my favorite social experimental videos ever:
And here's another misconception that really makes me want to want to leave this planet and find a new fortress somewhere in space, it is often assumed that it is a good thing to be catcalled because that is basically another way of saying "HEY, AT LEAST YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE TO SOMEONE!"
Um, EX-SQUEEZE me???
Excuse me while I find my pepper spray.
Yes...just yes. I approve
ReplyDeleteI feel so blessed to have your approval
DeleteThis is wicked cool because it has a greater purpose in the world. people need to know that it aint okay Dear Dumb Ass Men
ReplyDeleteThat probably should of been the original headline!
DeleteBRILLIANT! I couldn't help but see the reverse psychology in this that I make my fashion statement as notion of diversity everywhere I walk
ReplyDeleteI feel like you just said everything that I was thinking. I'm sorry that you've had to experience catcalling on such a level, but I'm also sorry for the guys who think that it's ok to do that.