Monday, December 7, 2015



Feminism isn't about making women strong, we're already strong. It's about changing the way society perceives our strength.

Sandra Ware

Another pet peeve of mine, besides the whole cat-calling thing I mentioned earlier is this worn out phrase that goes: "You hit like a girl." In fact, just about any insult that follows with the phrase 'like a girl' irritates the shit out of me and it needs to before the next generation hears it.

FOR YEARS, I have heard people tell boys, "Don't do that, you hit, sound, act, look, hit, cry and run like a girl" but here is what they are actually telling them:

-You're weak
-You're pathetic
-You're stupid
You're incapable of doing anything for yourself
-You're worthless
-You look like a little bitch

If you think anyone of those statements would hurt you if someone said that to you, than you should understand why using the term 'like a girl' is insulting as hell.

The worst irony of all is when little girls, are told not to act like girls.



Anyway, you must also be familiar with the more vulgar phrase: "Stop acting like a pussy." Well, we also call people 'dicks' when they act very arrogant but it's not exactly a win-win situation.

You see, being called a pussy is just another way of being called feminine and being classified as feminine comes with the misconception that you have no strength at all. Well, let me just deliver this little reality check to your virtual mailbox:

-Pussies (Or Pussys, I'm not sure on the technical plural form of that) a.k.a vaginas are actually strong as hell. They push babies out. Women have been know to push eight freaking babies out in one day, now the penis on the other hand, I'm sure has a few nice advantages but it's constantly in fear of someone kicking it in or getting caught in a zipper. If someone was keeping score...


Team Pussy: 1
Team Dick: 0

Well, the I would vote to have the "like a girl" phrase removed from our society for good but the second best idea I've heard is to restore it with a positive meaning, such as what this commercial for Always is showcasing.

This literally does not get enough recognition. It's about time we recognize this, because even microaggresions can be dangerous and oppressive in this type of world we live in.

Oh, Microaggression?

What are those?

Okay to put the definition in plain terms are everyday snubs, insults we make at people without even realizing that they are offensive. Enjoy these examples of microaggressions.

"You're really smart for a black kid."
"You have a lot of muscles for a girl."
"You have a large butt for white girl."
"Your house is really clean for a Hispanic."
"Your eyes are really big for an Asian."

And the list could go on forever, the point is, don't say them.


  1. LMAO "You hit like a little BITCH." Dramatic emphasis when stressing the word "BITCH." I never really thought out the hidden meaning behind saying whatever it is I would do, "like a girl." Thank you for putting this into perspective for me. Like you have mentioned above about how each generation picks up what is normally said and thought, I will help influence those to pick their words more carefully

  2. LMAO "You hit like a little BITCH." Dramatic emphasis when stressing the word "BITCH." I never really thought out the hidden meaning behind saying whatever it is I would do, "like a girl." Thank you for putting this into perspective for me. Like you have mentioned above about how each generation picks up what is normally said and thought, I will help influence those to pick their words more carefully

  3. It annoys me as well. Whats wrong with being a girl, last time I checked, nothing. There's no need for society to categorize "weakness" with being "like a girl" its absurd.

  4. These phrases aren't used out of hate or spite, they're used namely out of habit, and more often than not, they are frowned upon [at least here in new england they are]. of the last six times i heard that phrase, five of them were met with hostility and the last was used ironically so it doesn't quite count. These phrases originate from a twisted time where things were very different in almost every sense and as time passes and we become more interconnected world wide, we will be seeing those phrases die off much faster. That is assuming we don't destroy each other any time soon in a terrible nuclear holocaust.

  5. Your blog is amazing. What you have to say is really important and honest. As for the commercial, I loved watching the differences between the older people and the younger kids. Also, I was touched by what one of the girls said in response to advice she would give to young girls who are told "You hit like a girl, etc.", she said to keep doing it because they're doing something right.

  6. Nothing spoke to me louder than this. I was able to really understand your point of view. Not only because I am a girl, but because it allows men to understand what they are truly saying and how they are using their words. I loved this! Great stuff.

  7. gender based stereotypes honestly drive me up a wall. honestly though, this whole blog is amazing. no less than what would be expected from you. frankly i hope the truth you're spreading goes out further than this class. we can't just accept this crap as a "norm" that's total bull. saying something "has been happening for years and i can't do anything to change it" is just enabling the continuation of nonsense.
